Home Town Hero calls L.A. home. In a city so large can they possibly be home town heroes?
“Bleeds In Blue” – Cunning little track.
“Questions” – Turns the listener right on their ear after the soft-punk pop that they come to expect.
“Everything Out Of Water” – Another slower tempo track that gets it right.
“Bed Of Dreams” and “Eighteen” – Good hooks, nice bridge, yippee.
Average Joe:
“Perfect Night” and “12 Oz.” – Both come without much excitement and end sounding too Rancid.
“Who’s To Say” – Over and over again the same thing and worse no real hook.
“Run Right Through” – Noise for the sake of noise.
If Home Town Hero can figure out what they are be it metal or something between soft rock and hard rock then they might have something. They seem to want to be artsy and hard at the same time. It doesn’t always work.
+ rae gun
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