Goldie has taken the symphonic “Mother” from his ’98 double album, Saturnz Return, and re-mixed it down to just a sip of its original hour-plus ocean of sound for Ring of Saturn. This stripped down version, still rolling in at over seven minutes, offers insight into the mysterious world of the gold-toothed drum-and-bass maestro. The two versions of “Temper Temper”, also originally from Saturnz Return, get re-mixed by Optical and Grooverider with thick guitar licks provided by Noel Gallagher.
The remake of “What You Won’t Do For Love”, featuring Diane Charlemagne, although re-mixed on this album three times, is an imaginative duplication. Goldie unleashes song after song of grinding, static beats. The tracks have bounce, but the songs are relentless and too repetitious at times. This is not so with “Unkle”. The song builds on itself, then slows, only to pick right back up.
This album is merely a pit stop to hold fans over until his next album, Sonic Terrorism, lands. Although Ring of Saturn is nothing more than a time filler, Goldie still seems be years ahead of us all.
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