Wow! Sublime has a new album out? I thought that guy was Oops, my mistake. This is a new band. The Getaway People may have an excuse for their copycat sound, and a lame one at that; they are from Norway. Perhaps they didn’t realize Sublime had quite a few hits here in America or maybe they were just hoping we forgot about it. With that said, they release the single “Six Pacs”. Sublime’s sound wasn’t exactly unique to begin with, but “Six Pacs” is a song written over a previous Sublime hit. Shame on them.
“Come Love Me” sounds funky, but not very fresh. As neat as the introduction to the album is, “Deceived By An Angel” falls flat on its face. It’s supposed to be a love song. If this is love, I don’t want it. That’s not the only song that comes up short. “All About It” is filled to the brim with clichs. I mean, this cup runneth over.
It’s not hard to understand why the Getaway People’s songs are so good. They are all someone else’s. I’d wag my finger if you’d see me doing it, but instead I’ll just hiss and hoot to myself as I lay this album to rest.
+ rae gun
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