CORPORATE LINE: G. Love’s upcoming release The Hustle is an invitation to spend long days lounging on the front porch listening to songs about love, life and lemonade. Garrett Dutton – a.k.a G. Love – has reenlisted Special Sauce, James “Jimi Jazz” Prescott on upright bass, and Jeffrey “The Houseman” Clemens on drums to
complete the Philadelphonic Sound. G. Love and Special Sauce take their cues from many musicians including John Lee Hooker, Bob Dylan and De La Soul. When the self-titled debut was released in 1994, hits like “Cold Beverages” and “Baby’s Got Sauce” showcased the group’s fresh sound, now commonly referred to as the Hip Hop Blues (a term coined by G. Love himself.) The album G. Love & Special Sauce is certified gold.
“Love” – Finally after all these years G. Love brings it all together. This is the first track where you think ‘he got it!’
“Astronaut” – G. Love has the ability to drop a radio single even when it’s not something everyone will love.
“The Hustle” – Ready to be hustled?
“Front Porch Lounger” – Half the time you can’t tell what G. is singing about but the rhythm will still move you.
“Booty Call” – Fun and dumb. It’s now become a cliché.
Take your pick. As usual G. Love brings a lot of tracks that won’t move your feet and will annoy the hell out of you.
FRANKLY: G. Love is an interesting artist—the kind that will never catch on to the masses but keeps plugging along. His unique style pushes as many people away as it brings in. The Hustle doesn’t reach past his other records and it’s a shame that G. doesn’t spread his wings and try something new.
+ Rae Gun
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