Flybanger – Headtrip To Nowhere

Artist: Flybanger
Title: Headtrip To Nowhere
Label: Columbia
Rating: 7/10

Flybanger have cut their chops since ’95. Signed, sealed, and delivered by Columbia Records is Headtrip To Nowhere. The album is ready for prime time thanks to producer Matt Wallace (Deftones).

The album gets off quickly with “Cavalry”. “Radical” brings more of a metal element to the table. “Evelyn” has an Ozzy-ish hook but really dives deep into the abyss of your mind, finding that we often cause our own pain.

Flybanger combines an element of the everyday along with a futuristic flavor. It’s a lot of what brought out fans of the early Metallica, Ozzy and Megadeth. Their metal-pop infusion is the certain kick in the ass rock needs again.

+ rae gun






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