Willa Ford – Willa Was Here

Willa Ford
Artist: Willa Ford
Title: Willa Was Here
Label: Atlantic
Rating: 4/10

Willa Ford says “I Wanna Be Bad”. She has the looks to make any bad boy turn good, but will Willa Was Here make the rest of the world look for her bad side?

In a time when one hit is all you need, Willa has at least a small chance at making it big. “I Wanna Be Bad” might hook all those little girls who will want an out from the sweet princess pop of today. Willa has nothing more to offer than some weak image. “Did Ya’ Understand That” and “Tired” have decent hooks but the album starts a big decline from there.

Most of Willa is cliché, like “Don’t You Wish”, “Tender”. Some songs are just plain bad, like “Prince Charming”. Even with those, Willa has a good amount more to offer than a lot of her pop comrades.

+ rae gun






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