Default – The Fallout

Artist: Default
Title: The Fallout
Label: TVT
Rating: 3/10

Vancouver has been slowly pushing out the rock bands and bringing them to the States. Default is the next to voyage into the unknown, trying to bring their asses over and give it their best shot with a rock ‘n’ roll message they’d like to call their own.

“Sick & Tired” grits like sand. There is something about singer Dallas Smith. If he projects an original note he can be good, but when he tries for that Seattle grunge garbage it really hits the concrete hard and splats. Their bio says Smith learned he could sing by singing along to the radio. What was he listening 24/7 to Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains? Worse yet, their management company is the one who first signed these very bands. Did their manager think he found something new ten years later? Hell, if anyone can say they heard it before, it was him.

Default have titled their album perfectly. The Fallout is exactly what they’ve become. These guys are still stuck in an era that died forever ago and they’ve become part of the fallout. It’s seemingly distorted their minds and vision because they don’t even realize everything they are doing is completely mundane and, from their cliché to mine, it’s been done.

+ rae gun






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