Vue – Down For Whatever

Artist: Vue
Title: Down For Whatever
Label: RCA
Rating: 4/10

Corporate Line: Vue blend the raw immediacy of punk and the desolate passion of the blues into an archetypal musical fusion that is as unique as it is modern.

The Good:
Maybe if the Vue didn’t sound like a bad cover band they’d give us something good.

The Average:
“She’s Sweet” – They are trying to be the Sex Pistols that is if the Pistols didn’t care for politics or punk rock.
“Don’t Be Yourself” – Quite an ironic title consider Vue aren’t themselves, more like the Clash.
“Some Kids” – See above.

The Ugly:
“Frozen Juice” – A dreadful song.
“Down For Whatever” – Who is the singer; mush mouth?

Frankly: The Vue are from California so where did the fake English accents come from? Has anyone tried any harder to be the Clash? Rancid perhaps, but at least Rancid has attitude and balls. The Vue are what the Clash would sound like if they were neutered. The Vue are another example of a record label reaching to find something new only to give us something old and bored and a bad copy of the original.

+ Rae Gun






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