This is the stupidest movie I’ve ever seen. And you know what? I’m glad I left my brain at home because I laughed so hard I almost soiled myself. If I had brought my brain, college education, and apathetic look on life, I probably would have hated this movie. Instead, I realized this was a Farrelly Brothers film ( There’s Something About Mary, Dumb And Dumber, and Kingpin) starring Jim Carrey, so I checked out my adult mind and brought my juvenile one.
The laughs come faster than a Chris Rock comedy hour, so infant and asinine yet downright gut-busters.
The synopsis goes something like this: Charlie Baileygates (played to sick perfection by Jim Carrey) is a seventeen-year veteran of the Rhode Island police force. Charlie is mild-mannered, hardworking, always helpful, and a devoted and loving father to three sons. Unfortunately, Charlie has a split personality disorder, and when he runs out of his medication, meet Hank Baileygates, Charlie’s hypersensitive alter ego. Hank’s got a filthy mouth, drinks like a fish, breaks skulls, and loves dirty, dirty sex. Charlie and Hank have nothing in common with the exception of Irene Waters, a beautiful woman on the lam with whom they have both fallen in love. Now, Hank/Charlie must wage war, with himself, for the confused Irene’s affections.
That is Fox’s version of things.
What I saw was ridiculous actions that made everyone uneasy. It is that uneasiness that is perfect. It’s humor for five-year-olds, but it’s so simple and undeniably funny. These Farrelly Brothers are sick. I mean, mentally sick. A midget with nunchuks wacking the life out of Charlie? And then Charlie finding himself the father of three black kids with a wife that leaves him. Insanity. Those three black kids turn out to be so much more than filler. They are hilarious. They are filthy mouthed geniuses that end up being some of the funniest costars I’ve seen in so long. They are worth the price of admission alone.
Jim Carrey is an idiot. But he plays an idiot so well. Who can you honestly say acts more stupid than him? No one. From trying to exterminate a cow to his silly faces and insane mental flip-flops, you just can’t help but laugh. He starts verbally and physically assaulting people for no reason. He assaults everyone from adults to kids to an albino. It is so wrong yet so right. You may not want to bring your girlfriend/boyfriend because they might be a little embarrassed by your childish laughter, and if they pride themselves on political correctness, you’d better slip out the backdoor when you see this movie.
And what is the deal with that huge dildo? Well, let’s just say it’s used for all of the wrong reasons. No prop goes unused. Not even Jim Carrey’s ass in a sink. Nothing is without hilarity, and as much as Jim Carrey drives me crazy, he put me over the top with this one. For a movie that has absolutely no plot and a story line that is as thin as paper, this movie rocks.
+ charlie craine
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