Nina Gordon went from being the “Seether” with Veruca Salt to singing sweet sugary tunes that fill you up in different ways. Tonight And The Rest Of My Life is perhaps the diversity that Gordon has always sought to fulfill her career. Veruca Salt was too one-dimensional. On her own, Gordon can attack her music from any angle.
Although “Now I Can Die” has its moments, it’s when she tries to contradict herself midstream that I’m puzzled. “Tonight And The Rest Of My Life” has a Madonna vibe. How bizarre is that? And it actually sounds quite good. “Number One Camera” is a bouncy clap-fest.
Nina Gordon’s vibe is a hell of a lot happier than back in the Veruca days. Tonight And The Rest Of My Life is solid and fun, even when it occasionally gets gloomy. The songs are well crafted and hint at the potential flexibility in her future.
+ rae gun
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