Okay, so you have one of the biggest bands that have ever graced us, only now they are years beyond their prime. What do you expect? Well, nothing really, but Duran Duran has this ability to change without changing at all. While sounding like themselves, they take on a more modern up-to-date sound.
“Someone Else Not Me” is a perfect example. If someone gave you the cd and told you it was Radiohead, you’d fall in love moments later. I think there is a stigma attached to Duran Duran because of their big pop ’80’s reputations, but this album is a whole new ball of wax. “Lava Lamp” throws in everything but the kitchen sink with its very psychedelic Beatles style. The rest of the album plays a similar role and gives you the least expected, which in this case is quite good.
There are a few tracks that don’t quite hit, like “Hallucinating Elvis”, but for every miss there are five hits. Probably not radio hits, but who gives a crap about what the radio plays anyhow? I must admit that I’m as surprised as the next guy that this is the same group who gave us “Hungry Like A Wolf” and “Rio”. They deserve props just for that transition. Duran Duran hasn’t peaked and I’m stunned.
+ rae gun
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