Overseer – Wreckage

Artist: Overseer
Title: Wreckage
Label: Columbia
Rating: 5/10

Corporate Line: What was it like creating Wreckage? Overseer, the post-modern musical mad scientist, calls it, rather disarmingly, “…weird experimental stuff. If anything, my ethos is to record whatever I want to do. I have quite varied taste.” And for a man of diminutive stature, his musical tastes, and the culture’s ability to absorb them, just get wider by the year.

The Good:
“Meteorology” – Has a phase that reminds you of the changing weather from sunlight to rain.
“Sparks” – Interesting mix of female vocals that lean more towards Dido.

The Average:
“Slayed” and “Basstrap” – Prodigy never took off in America and Overseer has no chance.
“Stompbox” – Part Prodigy part Sex Pistols without any balls whatsoever. Pure corporate bulls**t.
“Horndog” – You will have surely heard this track from the Mitsubishi commercials. It proves they are a group who have $$$ on their mind.

The Ugly:
“Never” – Rap isn’t the strong point.

Frankly: Overseer has nothing on anyone in the electro-world. Prodigy would stomp them a new one and Roni Size would laugh at their wilted display. Overseer is making music for a commercial near you.

+ Rae Gun






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